Monday, March 12, 2012

Let me introduce you...

The detox is winding down and the excitement is setting in thinking about completing the 3 week cleanse! But as we sit back and think "Only 2 more days!" we may also be thinking " Well - what now!" You have spent 3 weeks cleaning out your insides, your intestinal walls are tighter, your blood is cleaner, your skin is healthier, your metabolism is higher! Woo - your body is healthy!! The answer to "What now??" is whatever you want it to be! Keep in mind it takes 21 days to form a habit, so like it or not, you have new, healthier habits formed.

So you have 3 options when finishing up the detox...

1: Go back to your old ways. Eat what you did before. Don't think twice about how you feel and how far you have come! As you can probably tell from my enthusiasm - this is not the best choice! However - it is YOUR choice. Just be ready to detox again next year!

2: Stay on the exact diet of the cleanse. No preservatives! No fatty foods! No steak! No salt! No pasta and bread! Do dairy! And what I have to say to you is....Good Luck!!! It is a great idea - however it is very unrealistic. When we put such high expectations on ourselves, our rate of failure is very high. The minute you waver - even for a day - your motivation will be shattered! Trust me - it happens! Again - not the best choice!

3: Take a minute and review your old habits. What do you miss? What don't you miss? Decide on 2 things/habits that you are not going to add back in to your daily rituals...ex: soda, bread is ok but no pasta, pasta is ok but no bread, ice cream, creamer in coffee, candy, steak 1/mo vs 1/wk. Make that decision and stick to it. Then it is time to introduce foods back into your system. If you do it all at once you will feel horrible. Which might be a good thing! lol!!! Introduce slowly. Start with basic foods first. Instead of starting with a bagel (equivalent to 5 pieces of bread)start with a english muffin. Instead of starting with regular pasta, try rice or wheat pasta. You might be surprised!! When introducing coffee back half caff/half decalf or decalf only! With red meat - dont start with the Old 76er!! Start with a 6 oz lean cut!! Use sea salt and not table salt! Be smart about your choices then take a second and be proud of yourself for making that choice. The more you praise yourself the more successful you will be! Write down how you feel!!! When you start to waiver, READ IT!! Take a pic now and write down a new goal that you want to reach.

As you can see, my obvious choice would be for you to do #3. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask for a consult with me! Everyone of you has a consultation that came with your detox with the docs program but not one person has used it! Soooooo - use it if you have questions!!

For those of you who are not done - don't fret!! Info from this blog will continue! But don't wait until the end to make these decisions! Start now!

Dr B

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I am so bored - please stimulate my tastebuds!!

Well most of us are half way through the cleanse! Woo Hoo! Take some time to pat yourself on the back for a job well done so far! It is about this time that we are a couple days away from adding protein. Eating only fruits and veggies is getting a bit boring and sticking to the cleanse may be getting a tad difficult. If you are like me, the commercials on TV about the TGIF burger specials or the Olive Garden 4 course meal or my personal favorite - Chili's Fajitas commercial seems to be comming on more regularly! You may be thinking "why do they have to play these commercials during MY shows!! I am SO bored with my meals!" Well never fear - I have some great recipes for you to try!

1. Courtesy of Flora S: Cashew Yogurt (dairy free/ sugar free/ detox friendly!)
1 1/2 c. raw cashews soaked in water for 2-4 hours
3 dates or 1/2 c. raisins
1 Tbsp of Pure Vanilla
Juice from 1 large lemon

In a food processor - add raw cashews (minus water), dates, juice and vanilla. Add 1/4c. of cold water. Blend away! The longer you blend the creamier it will be! Add more water slowly to reach desired consistancy (you will need quite a bit more if you use dates). Put in fridge to cool. Spoon into a small bowl - add fruit on top!! YUMMMM!
**It has become a staple in the Laubach household!

2. Courtesy of Bill C. - Grilled Eggplant
1 large eggplant - sliced any way you desire
Brush with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sprinkle with pepper or desired herbs
Throw on grill
** I love this one because the way Bill described this to me was that he was craving steak horribly! He threw this on the grill, and it reminded him of the fatty part of a steak!! For you meat lovers - Give it a shot!!!

3. Courtesy of Flora S. - Curry Lentil Soup
1 C. uncooked lentils
1 sweet potato - diced
1 C. Veggie Broth
3 1/2 C. water
1/2 large sweet onion chopped
2 Tbsp minced ginger
3 garlic cloves minced
1 heaping Tsp of curry powder
1 heaping Tsp of Garam Masla

In large pot - add broth and water with lentils and sweet potatos. Turn stove on med/med high. Bring to a boil slowly - turn down to simmer.
Add a dab of EVOO to a sauce pan and add onions and ginger. Saute' for 3-4 minutes. Add garlic. Saute' for another minute. Add spices to sauce pan - saute' for an additional 1-2 minutes until it is very arromatic. Add mixture to pot. Add a bit of water to the sauce pan and "wash" the bottom and sides - add to pot. Simmer for 10 min - ENJOY!!
**This is another Laubach favorite! If you like it soupier - only simmer for about 10 min - if you like it thicker like a stew - simmer for 15-20. The lentils will absorb more water and become creamy.

4. Spagetti Squash Bake
1 spagetti squash cut in half lenghth wise ( scrape out seeds)
2 garlic cloves - minced or sliced
1 Tbsp unsalted butter - cut in half OR EVOO
Pepper to taste and or other herbs (oregegno/ rosemary/ thyme)
2-3 ripe tomatoes - diced
1 large chicken breast - cooked and sliced or cubed

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. On a cookie sheet lay squash rind side down. Add butter/oil, garlic, pepper and other herbs if desired. Bake for at least 1 hour. Take pan out and scrape innerds of squash leaving it in the rind. (it will be stringy) Add diced chicken and top with tomatoes. Put back in oven for 15-30 min. Transfer mixture to a plate or enjoy right out of the rind!

5. Quinoa is an excellent choice for "rice" alternative. It is all natural and packed with protein. You can find it anywhere, but the organic section of Giant has a good selection! Here is a website with some fantastic recipes:

The way to get over bordom is to get creative!! Don't give in to the commercials you see on TV - trust me - if you went and "enjoyed" a 4 course meal at Olive Garden...You would not "enjoy" it later! Just ask myself and Dr. Nate! The very first time we did the cleanse we were in Iowa in grad school. We gave in to Chili's was the commercials that did us in! We were sick for 2 days - I STILL can't look at Chili's fajitas. If you are wavering and need some motivaiton - call me!! Set up your 1/2 point consultation!! I will get you back on track!

Keep it up!
Dr B

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Oh my...what is that smell?

I write this and giggle at the same time simply because this topic seems to make everyone giggle and blush. However over the last 3 days I have received some funny and interesting questions and comments. My favorite question has been, "is it ok if I am smelling like syrup?" My favorite comment has been "it is amazing how big my poops are!" HA- go ahead- giggle! (Girls- yes- that comment was from a male!) Everytime I do this cleanse I notice that my sweat smells like celery. It drives me nuts because I don't even eat alot of celery! It usually lasts for about a week. However like most, I grin and bear it while keeping my mouth shut about it. But as I work out I can't help but crave ants on a log!! Haha!

Remember- we are detoxing! The idea is to rid the body of toxins- TOXINS! Toxins are not sweet and rosy - they are nasty, dirty, gross. They have to get out somehow! For some it is going to be through amazing bowel movements. For others it will be through sweat. I have had a couple people vommit, a few end up with hives and quite a few with skin blemishes and break outs. Most will have an increase in gas! In the beginning it may be pretty gross. Clearing rooms. Sending your family running to other rooms! Give it 2 weeks- by the end of the cleanse you will notice a big decrease in frequency and stench. You will stop smelling like syrup! And why???? You are clean! Detoxed! Your body is not holding onto the bad decisions you had made over the last year (if you do this once a year) or a lifetime (if this is the first time doing it).

A quick shout out to Kathy B.- 6 pounds down within the first week and more important - you are feeling better!! Keep up the good work!
My girl Lindsay B. in AZ- 1 week eating clean! Woohoo! 6 pounds gone and teaching your girls how to be even healthier than you already are as a family! I am always proud of you guys and look to you as motivation to keep my family healthy!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Breaking up is so hard to do!!

3 days into the detox and finally feeling ok. I did not realize how bad my habits had gotten! Usually when I do the cleanse I don't get headaches, my sleep is not disturbed, my energy level is quite high...This time I had a headache for 2 days and have not slept very well. I came to realize as I was pulling into Nibor's coffee on Tuesday (the first day of my cleanse) that I have had some habits that I did not realize was out of control! Driving down 611 to drop off my dry cleaning and I end up in the Nibor's pull through for coffee! Yeesh - I did not even realize I was doing it! Yesterday at lunch I was in my fridge pulling out all the veggies I could find and found myself looking behind my Almond Milk container wondering if I had any of my hidden stash of my dark chocolate left! And I did! And I took it out!! Finally I realized what in the world I was doing - what horrible habits I had formed that I had never had before! This is the first cleanse that I have had to conciously break up with my daily rituals so that I can do the detox without cheating! So goodbye Nibor's, goodbye chocolate stash - I am breaking up with you!!

We have close to 25 people doing the detox and I would love to hear how you all are doing!

Bill C. - you had a head start on the group. You are about 3/4 of the way through and down 22 pounds. For those of my girls out there rolling their eyes saying "guys suck - they always lose weight fast" - Bill's fiance' is down 14! You go girl!

Kathleen B. - so glad to hear you are feeling well- and down 5 pounds I might add in the first 3 days! We are going to get you feeling back to your old self! I know the first few days are water weight but at our half way consult, we will calculate body fat % lost! Keep it up!

Please don't hesitate to ask questions or post comments - we are getting healthy as a group - lets stay motivated as a group and stay excited as a group!!

Have a wonderful "fruit-full" day!!
Dr B

Monday, February 20, 2012

Timing is everything!

I had decided that I was going to start the cleanse on Tuesday, February 21st! I did my grocery shopping yesterday and have in mind what I will be eating tomorrow. I have been looking forward to this cleanse for awhile. My husband and I do this detox once per year and because of an excuse of a new born- I did not do it last year. So I am all focused on starting tomorrow and guess what was brought into my office will never guess!! The cutest little Girl Scout delivering the cookies I had ordered last month! Yep- 3 boxes! She was so cute and even gave me a thank you note with a picture of her and her cookies she had sold! Now it did not end there! Nope! I had another sweet patient bring me a pint of Penn State Creamery ice cream! The name of it...wait for it...Death By Chocolate! Ha! What are the odds! It will literally be my demise- sitting there in my freezer taunting me for the next 3 weeks! What timing! I did what any of you would do and said- sweet,I have one more night! Affter enjoying a couple Samoas, Dos Si Do's, and a few.bites of Death By Chocolate - I am ready to get out of this sugar binge I have been on the last couple months! I am ready to loose some weight, get my energy back and stop having the horrible cravings for sugar!

I have gotten some feedback already from people who have startd the Michelle, the headaches will go away. It is one of the most common symptoms that happen during the first few daays. Headaches are going to be from a with drawl from carbohydrates, sugar and/or caffiene. Keep your water intake high keep the calories intake up! Don't let your blood sugar dive too low!

To my sister who just finished the cleanse for the third time...congrats!! You did it again and with a big success! To those of you who need motivation, she lost 20 pounds and feels AMAZING! Great job Sissy!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

If it hurts...don't do it!

Last night I was sitting there watching my 13 month old ask for more raw cashews. I was thinking "she cant be hungry - she ate a ton at dinner"! It got me wondering if she was wanting more because she was hungry or because of a feeling of excitement about eating something that Daddy was eating. I realized that emotional eating starts at 1!!! As adults we attribute eating habits to mood, location, surrounding company and just not being able to "give up" our favs!

Now my 1 year old lives to eat - absolutely loves it! She LOVES brussel sprouts, grapes, pumkin applesauce, beets, quinoa, black beans, spinach and yes - brocolli, just to name a few. She thinks it is fun. It is new. And if it is fed to her off Mom's spoon vs. her plastic one - it tastes even better!! Eating for her creates a feeling of being a big girl. She doesn't know to want chocolate when she's stressed, a beer when she's mad, chicken wings when it is Friday night, a Big Mac because she is pressed for time. Eating makes her happy- even when it is steamed squash!

What we have to do is change our emotion about eating as adults! It is time to change our habits and focus on how great we feel when we make good decisions about our health! How many times have you felt absolutely awesome after shoving down a few donuts and a 20 oz. coffee from Dunkin Donuts? How often do you feel amazing after a great workout at the gym? We remember how great the workout made us feel which is why we will workout again- even when it makes us sore! However, we tend to forget/shut out that horrible feeling after our donut binge. We tend to blame the fatigue felt an hour later on a "busy day". Guess what - it was the donuts!! Even a 5 year old knows that an apple makes you healthy and a donut makes you sick. Start paying attention and remembering how horrible you feel after you eat crappy food. How great do you feel when you made the concious decision to eat something healthy. The more you realize how great you feel when you avoid the foods that shut our bodies and minds down, the easier your habits will change. The first step to a healthy lifestyle and/or habit change is learning to listen to your body! Do you remember the old addage, "If it hurts - don't do it!" Well if it makes you feel like crap - STOP EATING IT! The amazing thing about the detox/cleanse is that it forces you into healthy choices!

Our second kick start class was a success!! 11 more people are on board to change their life starting next week!

Things to do this weekend:
Take time to look thru the packet
Get your supplements in order
Experiment with your shake recipes
Buy some tupperware containers to take with you everywhere
Pick your start date!
Tell your friends and family so they will be supportive
Get excited!
Ask Questions!! That is what I am here for!

If you aren't doing the cleanse and want to - let us know!
If you are going back and forth on whether or not you want to do it-DO IT!

Dr. B

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sugar - why do you tempt me so!!!!

Well Valentines Day is over and I have a box full of chocolates in my fridge, a chocolate bar in my desk and a Valentine's baggie of peppermint patties in my eyesight as I write! My wonderful husband knows my weakness for chocolate covered strawberries and dark chocolate truffels - so that is what I got! Thank you love!! However, every year he gets a laugh when I complain that I made myself sick to my stomach because I had eaten most of the box of one day!! (sometimes in a few hours! HA!) It made me think of how crazy it is that food can overtake your sense of reasoning! I also find it interesting that food can make you have such internal conflict or conversations with yourself! "If I eat all of them now, then it will be over and I wont eat them all later", "I am only going to have one/day", "ok, only one more today, then one per day starting tomorrow", "Screw it - I will start back to clean eating next week". Does that sound familiar to anyone else?? If a food choice creates internal conflict - it is not a food that we should be consuming! Have you ever had an internal conflict about eating too much broccoli?

Things like surgar, carbohydrates, and fried foods are so toxic that the body literally becomes addicted to them. You feel like you can't live without them. The amazing thing about the detoxification program is that it wipes these cravings out. It rids your body of the NEED to have these toxic foods in your everyday diet. After you are finished with the cleanse you won't have these internal conversations about toxic foods. Can you imagine not even wanting candy or french fries or hot wings or breadsticks!! It happens - trust me! You will be craving salads, fruits, "clean" meals!!

Tonight is the first kick off seminar! We have 15 people ready to change their life!! Tomorrow we have another 15! We have 2 people in AZ detoxing and 4 others here in town that have already started! We have an update on Bill C. that started the detox 1 week ago - down 14 pounds!!!! Keep it up Bill!!

So to sign off I say "good bye chocolate"!! You will be missed over the next week but you will be a figment of my imagination after that!!

Dr B